Sunday, December 4, 2011

Longer RUN

Yesterday I ran at Mendon Ponds....drumroll....8 glorious miles!! The most my foot has tolerated since the marathon. It was a beautiful morning (26 degrees!) at the start of the run, but slowly the sun came up and I couldn't imagine being anywhere but running in this beautiful park.

I feel so alive- more than I have in a long time~ and I swear it is because I can RUN again. Being sidelined sure makes you grateful for the ability to run.

I must admit~ I was very nervous as to what today might bring in terms of pain in my foot...But I woke up feeling great- So good that I jumped out of bed and put my running clothes on. However, as I was walking around my bedroom I felt the smallest twinge in my ankle and decided that I better take my running clothes back off and play it safe....It was definitely hard for me to remove my garmin from my wrist before I even had left my bedroom..BUT no more sidelines- I will not overtrain.

Later this afternoon I went to Bikram Yoga- great class- 90 minutes of sweat beads stinging my eyeballs- loving every minute!

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